We are launching this year’s 2021 Shoebox Garden competition and we want everyone to take part!

We would like children aged 16 or under to individually create a garden in a shoebox. You can be as creative as you like, you can build it around a theme – rock garden, bee friendly, herb garden, sensory, whatever you like! It’s all about getting growing!

The overall individual winner will receive gardening vouchers worth £50 with £20 of gardening vouchers for the runners-up

The best overall school will receive gardening vouchers of £100


– open to children aged 16 or under on Friday June 18, 2021

– each garden must contain at least one edible plant

– a photo of the shoebox garden should be posted onto our One Seed Forward Facebook page, our OSF Garden Schools Facebook page or emailed to

– you agree that we can post photos of the garden or any children shown onto our websites, social media pages or use these for any educational purposes. Please get permission from an adult if you are under 16 and included in the photo and provide this when submitting your entry.

– entries close at midnight on Friday June 18, 2021 with the winners announced by June 23, 2021

– to qualify for the overall school award, a minimum of 5 gardens should be entered from a school. All entries will automatically be included for the overall individual prizes.

Here are photos of last year’s prizewinners. Good luck!