Time to tell you about another two varieties that you will soon be able to get from us. Setanta is a red skinned creamy fleshed maincrop that has a floury quality that makes it great for all types of culinary use. It is a high yielding variety that is also resistant to blight and blackleg, so this should give you a great crop that will also store well.

Our next variety is Pink Gypsy, a maincrop with white and pink skin and creamy flesh. This is another good eating potato and also disease resistant, so if you want to try something a bit different, give this one a go!

It won’t be long until we take delivery of our seed potatoes, so if you know of any schools or nurseries, community gardening  or sheltered housing groups that may be interested in participating in our community growing initiative, please tell them about us as we are keen to get them involved.