Today we launch our new children’s competition and we want everyone to take part!
We would like your children, school pupils etc to individually create a garden in a shoebox. You can be as creative as you like, you can build it around a theme – rock garden, bee friendly, herb garden, sensory and so on. It’s all about getting growing!

The winner will receive a gardening voucher of £20.


  • open to children aged 16 or under on Sunday June 28, 2020
  • each garden must contain at least one edible plant
  • a photo of the shoebox garden should be posted onto our One Seed Forward Facebook page or emailed to oneseedforward@gmail.com
  • you agree that we can post photos of the garden onto our website and social media pages
  • entries close at midnight on Sunday June 28, 2020 with the winner announced on July 1

And if you are having trouble in finding seeds to get started then get in touch by sending us an email to oneseedforward@gmail.com, we may be able to help.

Here is a photo of last year’s winner Annabelle’s garden. Good luck!