November newsletter

Our Growing Season

Our season is drawing to a close and this is the time to tidy up your growing space and maintain your tools ready for next year. We are in the process of moving from our community allotment to another site and will be taking cuttings of a lot of our fruit bushes and transferring some plants. We have set aside some of these for the Garden Schools and community groups that we support – if you would like to get any cuttings for your group then please get in touch. We will post up photos of our new plot onto our Facebook page and website in a few weeks. Please continue to let us know how you are getting on by messaging us or posting photos and stories onto our social media pages – we love to hear from you and share information with others.

Forthcoming event

Saturday November 9th 13.00 – 15.00 FoSS talks, Carmelite Hotel, Stirling Street, Aberdeen
Committee member Donald Gray will be talking about Food Awareness in Schools. We will also have a stall at this event.

Garden Schools

The school year is well under way and we have been getting more requests to support schools who are wanting to do more outdoor learning with their pupils. Our OSF Garden Schools project, in conjunction with the University of Aberdeen, provides materials and support to schools who would like to take part. If you are a teacher, or know of someone who may be interested, please send us an email for more information including some scheduled CPD training as well as resources to get you started.

We are also delighted to announce that Bramble Brae Primary will be receiving their Stage 1 Sprouting Award and Woodside Primary their Stage 2 Seedling Award this month at ceremonies in their respective schools. Congratulations to our first OSF Garden School Award winners!

Volunteer to be a Seedling or a Grafter

One Seed Forward is a community initiative run by volunteers, and we are looking for more people to come and join us in the work we are doing, regardless of the level of experience you have in growing and gardening. We are getting more requests from communities and organisations asking for help in setting up food growing capabilities. We are also looking to expand our activities in and beyond the Aberdeen City & Shire boundaries, so if you are interested in getting involved and would like to discuss volunteering opportunities, please send us an email to

Happy growing!